How can you help Institution | Amount Approx |
The monthly cost of one Hafiz-e-Qur-aan | 1,500.00 |
The yearly cost of on one Hafiz-e-Qur-aan | 15,000.00 |
The total cost of on Hafiz-e-Qur-aan for (4 years) | 64,000.00 |
The total cost of on one Aalim for (8 years) | 128,000.00 |
The total cost of one student with all needful things | 17,000.00 |
The total cost of one year student's class books (Arabic-l to Arabic-III) | 40,500.00 |
Monthly salary of one teacher | 10,000.00 |
Yearly salary of one teacher | 1,20,000.00 |
Monthly salary of one Primary teacher | 8,000.00 |
Yearly salary of one primary teacher | 96,000.00 |
The cost of Nikah on one girl | 1,20,000.00 |
The cost of large animal sacrificial | 18,000.00 |
The yearly cost of one widow sponsored | 30,000.00 |
The cost of tube wells | 15,000.00 |
The cost of home build of penniless | 75,000.00 |
Jamia Isha'atul Uloom Samstipur has need one bigha Land urgently to build the hostel, its cost is | 30,00,000.00 |
The cost of Jamia Isha'atul Uloom Samstipur's land for one kaththa to build the hostel is | 1,50,000.00 |
The cost of one room in hostel of Jamia Isha'atul Uloom Samstipur is | 2,00,000.00 |
The total cost of one class room of Jamia Isha'atul Uloom Samstipur is | 2,50,000.00 |
The total cost of one toilet is | 25,000.00 |
The total cost of one Quintal Iron rod | 8,000.00 |
The total cost of one Quintal small stone | 8,000.00 |
The total cost of one truck sand (5,C.F.T.) | 55,000.00 |